Industrial Copper Lamp Shades | Factorylux for Oporto
Lights & lighting

Industrial Copper Lamp Shades | Factorylux for Oporto

Oporto in Leeds chose Factorylux industrial copper shades to light its bar. Oporto is a popular bar on Call Lane in central Leeds attracting a mix of professionals and students. With live music, fa...

TechnologyHue Lux | Factorylux | Halloween 2014

Hue Lux | Factorylux | Halloween 2014

#Huelloween - Hue Lux lights in a pumpkin are controlled by the frequency of #Halloween activity on Twitter using IFTTT ('If This Then That') functionality to process the data and create the trigge...

Lights & lightingChristmas gifts from Factorylux and Prelogram

Christmas Gifts from Factorylux & Prelogram

Be creative this Christmas with gorgeous gifts from the Factorylux & Prelogram range. There's a seasonal theme, but with the year-round commitment to quality, originality and customer service -...

Press and Media Information | Press Releases

Please get in touch for hi-res and lifestyle images, product loans, information about visits to our production and distribution HQ in Yorkshire, and all other media related enquiries. Call 0207 1...

Lights & lightingGreen Enamel Shades | Factorylux at Neon Cactus Leeds

Green Enamel Shades | Factorylux at Neon Cactus Leeds

Neon Cactus has earned its (green, white and red...) stripes since it opened in late 2009. The staff are known for their attentiveness, the tequila laden cocktails are not for the faint hearted, an...

TechnologyMusical Lamp Shades | Discover More & Download Audio Files

Musical Lamp Shades | Discover More & Download Audio Files

  SHOP LAMP SHADES   Factorylux commissioned composer Tom Parkinson to create music using the sounds of Factorylux lamp shades. It's an ongoing project and the latest pieces are Christmas carols....

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